Once you validate your registration, the race manager will check your details and set your registration as a "Waiting for payment/ Waiting driver list " status. Then, each racer will have 7 days to pay up their entry and validated their registration unless it will be declined.

2WD - 4WD - Short Course 4wd

£36/42€ for 1 class -- £45/52€ for 2 classes -- £53/62€ for 3 classes

Special Juniors (16 and under as of jan 1st 2012 ): 22£/25€ for 1 class -- 32£/35€ for 2 classes -- 42£/45€ for 3 classes

NO REFUND if you cancel after the 31th of OCTOBER (Any reasons will accepted!)


1st September - 30th September 2011: Entries for ONLY Invitational drivers

1st october - 16th december 2011: Entries for all drivers

17th December 2011: Event closed - All entries must be paid




PLEASE sent your payment as "PERSONAL / gift " (no comission) AND NOT AS a purchase to redac(at)petitrc(dot)com



- Name : PETIT RC

- IBAN : FR53 3000 2062 5100 0011 7031 L48 - BIC: CRLYFRPP




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English version
PDF document
PDF document

Rule/Réglement : PETITRC and then EFRA if we need its

Technic control: One PETITRC's sticker will mark your bodies, this marking must be visible during the whole event!


Tyres : ONLY Dboots tyres (front & rear) - Nanobyte tyres recommended

The new Nanobyte tyres will be available at the track on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will NOT sell any to anyone prior to the race. This means that all pilots at the Petitrc race will have the same chance to run the tyres. No-one will have an advantage by being able to run the tyres before the race. This is a true controlled tyre!

The tyres will be shipped direct to the race on the Friday, and will be available from the on-site shop (MB Models) that Friday.

We will have the following tyres & prices available at the track:-

DB1013RA dBoots 1/10 NanoByte(A) - RRP = £7.75 (approx 9.30€)*
DB10134A dBoots1/10 NanoByte(A) – RRP = £7.25 (approx 8,60€)*
DB10132A dBoots1/10 NanoByte(A) – RRP = £6.75 (approx 8€)*
DBSC13AA dBoots 1/10 NanoByte (A) – RRP = TBC (????)

£1 = 1,19€ (29/12/2011)

1 PIT SPACE per driver ONLY


England = GMT

track will be available for practice from 13:00 onwards on Friday until 21:00 people can remain in the pits and work on their cars.

Practice track will not be the PETITRC track

Cost asked by Ardent Racing for practice is £5 for the day. This covers electric, heating and wear and tear on the track.


Saturday – 2WD + SC Race

FTQ qualifying

After Practice the Heat groups will be made ranked by each driver's best 3 consectuve laps in practice. 


2 controlled Practice (6 mn) - 5 Qualifications (6mn)- 1 Round of Finals until “B final” (6mn) + 3 Rounds of A Final (6mn)


-> Ouverture/Opening: 7h00 am

-> Free/ Controlled Practise: 1st heat at 8h00 am

->Driver briefing: ? 10h15am

-> 1st Qualifying: 10h22am

-> End of the Race: 21h05

-> Prices ceremony: 21h20

and then RAFFLE!

Sunday – 4WD Race + UFO PETITRC RACE

FTQ qualifying

After Practice the Heat groups will be made ranked by each driver's best 3 consectuve laps in practice.


2 controlled practice (6mn), 6 Qualifications (6mn) - 1 Round of Finals until the “B final” (6mn) + 3 Round of A Final (6mn) + U.F.O Race (10mn)


-> Ouverture/Opening: 7h00am

-> Free/ Controlled Practise: 1st heat at 8h00am

->Driver briefing: 9h25am

-> 1st Qualifying: 9h34am

-> End of the 4wd Race: 17h48

-> Ultimate Final Option Race: 17h51

The BEST of each country will be select - Just to REMIND you it will be NOT a "crash" UFO Race but a gentleman race

x 2wd drivers + x 4wd drivers + x SC drivers will race together during 10mn to be the King of the UFO PETITRC RACE !

-> Prices ceremony : 18h16


- Many trophies….even bigger…

- Raffle with RC products and others products to win - 1 FREE ticket is OFFER per driver